Bill Lampe

Bill Lampe

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Bibliographic Data

As of May 2018, MathSciNet has reviewed 25 publications by Ralph Freese. The file Lampe.bib contains the BibTeX data for all of these works.

Total Publications 25
Total Citations 106
Earliest Indexed Publication 1967
MR Author ID 109700


BibTeX Entries

@article {MR3523650,
    AUTHOR = {Brodhead, Katie and Khan, Mushfeq and Kjos-Hanssen, Bj\o rn and
              Lampe, William A. and Nguyen, Paul Kim Long V. and Shore,
              Richard A.},
     TITLE = {The strength of the {G}r\"atzer-{S}chmidt theorem},
   JOURNAL = {Arch. Math. Logic},
  FJOURNAL = {Archive for Mathematical Logic},
    VOLUME = {55},
      YEAR = {2016},
    NUMBER = {5-6},
     PAGES = {687--704},
      ISSN = {0933-5846},
   MRCLASS = {03F35 (03D28 06B15)},
  MRNUMBER = {3523650},
MRREVIEWER = {Emanuele Frittaion},
       DOI = {10.1007/s00153-016-0488-5},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2280222,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {Results and problems on congruence lattice representations},
      NOTE = {Special issue dedicated to Walter Taylor},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {55},
      YEAR = {2006},
    NUMBER = {2-3},
     PAGES = {127--135},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B15 (08A30)},
  MRNUMBER = {2280222},
MRREVIEWER = {Miroslav Haviar},
       DOI = {10.1007/s00012-006-1990-0},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2217639,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {Simultaneous congruence representations: a special case},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {54},
      YEAR = {2005},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {249--255},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08A30 (06B15)},
  MRNUMBER = {2217639},
MRREVIEWER = {Peter Johnstone},
       DOI = {10.1007/s00012-005-1931-3},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1810551,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A. and McNulty, George F. and Willard, Ross},
     TITLE = {Full duality among graph algebras and flat graph algebras},
      NOTE = {Conference on Lattices and Universal Algebra (Szeged, 1998)},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {45},
      YEAR = {2001},
    NUMBER = {2-3},
     PAGES = {311--334},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08C15 (05C75 08B10 08C05)},
  MRNUMBER = {1810551},
MRREVIEWER = {H.-J. Hoehnke},
@article {MR1743633,
    AUTHOR = {Davey, Brian A. and Idziak, Pawe\l  M. and Lampe, William A. and
              McNulty, George F.},
     TITLE = {Dualizability and graph algebras},
   JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Discrete Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {214},
      YEAR = {2000},
    NUMBER = {1-3},
     PAGES = {145--172},
      ISSN = {0012-365X},
   MRCLASS = {08A05 (05C99 08C15 18A99)},
  MRNUMBER = {1743633},
MRREVIEWER = {V\'aclav Koubek},
       DOI = {10.1016/S0012-365X(99)00225-3},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1407910,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {Congruences, equational theories and lattice representations},
   JOURNAL = {Period. Math. Hungar.},
  FJOURNAL = {Periodica Mathematica Hungarica. Journal of the J\'anos Bolyai
              Mathematical Society},
    VOLUME = {32},
      YEAR = {1996},
    NUMBER = {1-2},
     PAGES = {65--75},
      ISSN = {0031-5303},
   MRCLASS = {06B15 (08B15)},
  MRNUMBER = {1407910},
MRREVIEWER = {V. N. Sali\u\i },
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01879733},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1265348,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {A perspective on algebraic representations of lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {31},
      YEAR = {1994},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {337--364},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B15 (06-02 08A30)},
  MRNUMBER = {1265348},
MRREVIEWER = {Hilda Dra\v skovi\v cov\'a},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01221791},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1201445,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, W. A. and Sichler, J. and Trnkov\'a, V.},
     TITLE = {Homomorphisms of unary algebras and of their expansions},
   JOURNAL = {Colloq. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Colloquium Mathematicum},
    VOLUME = {64},
      YEAR = {1993},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {79--92},
      ISSN = {0010-1354},
   MRCLASS = {08C05 (08A60 18B99)},
  MRNUMBER = {1201445},
MRREVIEWER = {Danica Jakub\'\i kov\'a-Studenovsk\'a},
       DOI = {10.4064/cm-64-1-79-92},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1128384,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {Further properties of lattices of equational theories},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {28},
      YEAR = {1991},
    NUMBER = {4},
     PAGES = {459--486},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B15 (08B15)},
  MRNUMBER = {1128384},
MRREVIEWER = {Marcel Ern\'e},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01195857},
       URL = {},
@article {MR873596,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {A property of the lattice of equational theories},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {23},
      YEAR = {1986},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {61--69},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08B15 (03C05 06B15)},
  MRNUMBER = {873596},
MRREVIEWER = {S. Comer},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01190912},
       URL = {},
@article {MR705246,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {Congruence lattices of algebras of fixed similarity type.
   JOURNAL = {Pacific J. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Pacific Journal of Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {103},
      YEAR = {1982},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {475--508},
      ISSN = {0030-8730},
   MRCLASS = {08A30 (06B15)},
  MRNUMBER = {705246},
MRREVIEWER = {Joel Berman},
       URL = {},
@incollection {MR660887,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {Congruence lattice representations and similarity type},
 BOOKTITLE = {Universal algebra ({E}sztergom, 1977)},
    SERIES = {Colloq. Math. Soc. J\'anos Bolyai},
    VOLUME = {29},
     PAGES = {495--500},
 PUBLISHER = {North-Holland, Amsterdam-New York},
      YEAR = {1982},
   MRCLASS = {06B15 (08A30)},
  MRNUMBER = {660887},
@article {MR634414,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, W. A. and Taylor, W.},
     TITLE = {Simple algebras in varieties},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {14},
      YEAR = {1982},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {36--43},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08A60 (08B99)},
  MRNUMBER = {634414},
MRREVIEWER = {S. Comer},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02483905},
       URL = {},
@article {MR602015,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A. and Myers, Dale},
     TITLE = {Elementary properties of free extensions},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {11},
      YEAR = {1980},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {269--284 (1981)},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {03C30 (03B25 03C60 20A15)},
  MRNUMBER = {602015},
MRREVIEWER = {M. A. Ta\u\i tslin},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02483107},
       URL = {},
@article {MR549832,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Lampe, William A. and Taylor, Walter},
     TITLE = {Congruence lattices of algebras of fixed similarity type. {I}},
   JOURNAL = {Pacific J. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Pacific Journal of Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {82},
      YEAR = {1979},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {59--68},
      ISSN = {0030-8730},
   MRCLASS = {08A30},
  MRNUMBER = {549832},
MRREVIEWER = {Joel Berman},
       URL = {},
@article {MR0357284,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {Subalgebra lattices of unary algebras and an axiom of choice},
   JOURNAL = {Colloq. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Colloquium Mathematicum},
    VOLUME = {30},
      YEAR = {1974},
     PAGES = {41--55},
      ISSN = {0010-1354},
   MRCLASS = {08A25 (02K20)},
  MRNUMBER = {0357284},
MRREVIEWER = {G. Gratzer},
       DOI = {10.4064/cm-30-1-41-55},
       URL = {},
@article {MR0406907,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {Representations of lattices as congruence lattices},
 BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the {U}niversity of {H}ouston {L}attice
              {T}heory {C}onference ({H}ouston, {T}ex., 1973)},
     PAGES = {1--16},
 PUBLISHER = {Dept. Math., Univ. Houston, Houston, Tex.},
      YEAR = {1973},
   MRCLASS = {08A05},
  MRNUMBER = {0406907},
MRREVIEWER = {Hartmut Hoft},
@article {MR0325497,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {On the congruence lattice characterization theorem},
   JOURNAL = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.},
  FJOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
    VOLUME = {182},
      YEAR = {1973},
     PAGES = {43--60},
      ISSN = {0002-9947},
   MRCLASS = {08A25},
  MRNUMBER = {0325497},
MRREVIEWER = {E. T. Schmidt},
       DOI = {10.2307/1996519},
       URL = {},
@article {MR0321842,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, W. A.},
     TITLE = {The independence of certain related structures of a universal
              algebra. {IV}. {T}he triple is independent},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {2},
      YEAR = {1972},
     PAGES = {296--302},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08A25},
  MRNUMBER = {0321842},
MRREVIEWER = {J. R. Isbell},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02945040},
       URL = {},
@article {MR0321841,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, W. A.},
     TITLE = {The independence of certain related structures of a universal
              algebra. {III}. {T}he subalgebra lattice and congruence
              lattice are independent},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {2},
      YEAR = {1972},
     PAGES = {286--295},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08A25},
  MRNUMBER = {0321841},
MRREVIEWER = {J. R. Isbell},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02945039},
       URL = {},
@article {MR0321840,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, W. A.},
     TITLE = {The independence of certain related structures of universal
              algebra. {II}. {T}he automorphism group and congruence lattice
              are independent},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {2},
      YEAR = {1972},
     PAGES = {270--283},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08A25},
  MRNUMBER = {0321840},
MRREVIEWER = {J. R. Isbell},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02945037},
       URL = {},
@article {MR0316353,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William A.},
     TITLE = {Notes on related structures of a universal algebra},
   JOURNAL = {Pacific J. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Pacific Journal of Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {43},
      YEAR = {1972},
     PAGES = {189--205},
      ISSN = {0030-8730},
   MRCLASS = {08A25},
  MRNUMBER = {0316353},
MRREVIEWER = {E. T. Schmidt},
       URL = {},
@article {MR0306087,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, W. A.},
     TITLE = {The independence of certain related structures of a universal
              algebra. {I}. {P}artial algebras with useless operations and
              other lemmas},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {2},
      YEAR = {1972},
     PAGES = {99--112},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08A25},
  MRNUMBER = {0306087},
MRREVIEWER = {J. R. Isbell},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02945016},
       URL = {},
@book {MR2618506,
    AUTHOR = {Lampe, William Austyn},
      NOTE = {Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Pennsylvania State University},
 PUBLISHER = {ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI},
      YEAR = {1969},
     PAGES = {122},
   MRCLASS = {Thesis},
  MRNUMBER = {2618506},
       URL =
@article {MR0218290,
    AUTHOR = {Gr\"atzer, G. and Lampe, W. A.},
     TITLE = {On subalgebra lattices of universal algebras},
   JOURNAL = {J. Algebra},
  FJOURNAL = {Journal of Algebra},
    VOLUME = {7},
      YEAR = {1967},
     PAGES = {263--270},
      ISSN = {0021-8693},
   MRCLASS = {08.30 (06.00)},
  MRNUMBER = {0218290},
MRREVIEWER = {R. S. Pierce},
       DOI = {10.1016/0021-8693(67)90060-9},
       URL = {},