J.B. Nation

JB Nation

This is not J.B. Nation’s official homepage. The official page is at

In 2010, Sheila Sarhangi wrote the following for Honolulu Magazine about JB:

James B. Nation plays trumpet in a jazz band, referees soccer games and runs five miles every morning before he goes to work. He seems like a pretty normal guy. But put a math problem in front of him, and you’ll witness his brilliance firsthand. In 1979, Nation, who’s a professor of mathematics at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, solved the Jonsson conjecture, a math problem that had baffled his colleagues around the world for 20 years. (The problem involves lattices, or mathematical systems, and Nation proved that a certain characterization, which was thought to be wrong, was actually right.) “I just worked on it every day for about seven years until I understood it,” he says.

Then in 1995, while in Australia on a university work exchange, he solved a 25-year-old math problem called the finite height conjecture. “One night, I said, ‘I know how this has to work.’ I waited until the kids went to bed and I tried different numbers. Finally, I tried seven, and it worked,” says Nation, who had been plugging away at this particular problem for 15 years. “It’s not about being a genius, it’s just working hard and consistently and not giving up.”

Bibliographic Data

As of May 2018, MathSciNet has reviewed 74 publications by JB Nation. The file Nation.bib contains the BibTeX data for all of these works.

Total Publications 74
Total Citations 318
Earliest Indexed Publication 1973
MR Author ID 129675

Nation’s Coauthors

BibTeX Entries

@article {MR3774510,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, Kira and Hyndman, Jennifer and Lempp, Steffen and
              Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Interval dismantlable lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order. A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its
    VOLUME = {35},
      YEAR = {2018},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {133--137},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06B10 (06B20)},
  MRNUMBER = {3774510},
       DOI = {10.1007/s11083-017-9422-7},
       URL = {},
@article {MR3722189,
    AUTHOR = {Holmes, Tristan and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Inflation of finite lattices along all-or-nothing sets},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order. A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its
    VOLUME = {34},
      YEAR = {2017},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {419--440},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06B05 (06B10)},
  MRNUMBER = {3722189},
       DOI = {10.1007/s11083-016-9407-y},
       URL = {},
@article {MR3580542,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, K. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Discovery of the {$D$}-basis in binary tables based on
              hypergraph dualization},
   JOURNAL = {Theoret. Comput. Sci.},
  FJOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
    VOLUME = {658},
      YEAR = {2017},
    NUMBER = {part B},
     PAGES = {307--315},
      ISSN = {0304-3975},
   MRCLASS = {68P20 (05C90)},
  MRNUMBER = {3580542},
       DOI = {10.1016/j.tcs.2015.11.031},
       URL = {},
@incollection {MR3645052,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, K. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Bases of closure systems},
 BOOKTITLE = {Lattice theory: special topics and applications. {V}ol. 2},
     PAGES = {181--213},
 PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser/Springer, Cham},
      YEAR = {2016},
   MRCLASS = {06A15 (06D75)},
  MRNUMBER = {3645052},
MRREVIEWER = {R. Piziak},
@incollection {MR3645051,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, K. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Convex geometries},
 BOOKTITLE = {Lattice theory: special topics and applications. {V}ol. 2},
     PAGES = {153--179},
 PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser/Springer, Cham},
      YEAR = {2016},
   MRCLASS = {06D75 (05B25 06C10 52B40)},
  MRNUMBER = {3645051},
MRREVIEWER = {R. J. Bumcrot},
@incollection {MR3645050,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, K. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Lattices of algebraic subsets and implicational classes},
 BOOKTITLE = {Lattice theory: special topics and applications. {V}ol. 2},
     PAGES = {103--151},
 PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser/Springer, Cham},
      YEAR = {2016},
   MRCLASS = {06B23 (06A12 06A15 08B10 08C15)},
  MRNUMBER = {3645050},
MRREVIEWER = {Margarita Benito Ramalho},
@incollection {MR3645049,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, K. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Classes of semidistributive lattices},
 BOOKTITLE = {Lattice theory: special topics and applications. {V}ol. 2},
     PAGES = {59--101},
 PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser/Springer, Cham},
      YEAR = {2016},
   MRCLASS = {06D75 (06B05 06B15 06B20)},
  MRNUMBER = {3645049},
MRREVIEWER = {Marcel Ern\'e},
@incollection {MR3645048,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, R. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Free and finitely presented lattices},
 BOOKTITLE = {Lattice theory: special topics and applications. {V}ol. 2},
     PAGES = {27--58},
 PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser/Springer, Cham},
      YEAR = {2016},
   MRCLASS = {06B25 (03B25 03D40 08A50)},
  MRNUMBER = {3645048},
MRREVIEWER = {Joel Berman},
@article {MR3484761,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, Kira and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {A class of infinite convex geometries},
   JOURNAL = {Electron. J. Combin.},
  FJOURNAL = {Electronic Journal of Combinatorics},
    VOLUME = {23},
      YEAR = {2016},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {Paper 1.56, 12},
      ISSN = {1077-8926},
   MRCLASS = {06A15 (06B20 06B23 52A01)},
  MRNUMBER = {3484761},
MRREVIEWER = {Manoj Changat},
@article {MR3477363,
    AUTHOR = {Hyndman, Jennifer and Nation, J. B. and Nishida, Joy},
     TITLE = {Congruence lattices of semilattices with operators},
   JOURNAL = {Studia Logica},
  FJOURNAL = {Studia Logica. An International Journal for Symbolic Logic},
    VOLUME = {104},
      YEAR = {2016},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {305--316},
      ISSN = {0039-3215},
   MRCLASS = {06A12 (06B10)},
  MRNUMBER = {3477363},
MRREVIEWER = {Radomir Hala\v s},
       DOI = {10.1007/s11225-015-9641-0},
       URL = {},
@article {MR3402848,
    AUTHOR = {Casperson, D. and Hyndman, J. and Mason, J. and Nation, J. B.
              and Schaan, B.},
     TITLE = {Existence of finite bases for quasi-equations of unary
              algebras with 0},
   JOURNAL = {Internat. J. Algebra Comput.},
  FJOURNAL = {International Journal of Algebra and Computation},
    VOLUME = {25},
      YEAR = {2015},
    NUMBER = {6},
     PAGES = {927--950},
      ISSN = {0218-1967},
   MRCLASS = {08C15 (08A60)},
  MRNUMBER = {3402848},
MRREVIEWER = {Aleksandr V. Kravchenko},
       DOI = {10.1142/S0218196715500265},
       URL = {},
@article {MR3353951,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Projective ordinal sums of lattices and isotone sections},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order. A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its
    VOLUME = {32},
      YEAR = {2015},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {245--254},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06B25 (06B05)},
  MRNUMBER = {3353951},
MRREVIEWER = {R. Piziak},
       DOI = {10.1007/s11083-014-9329-5},
       URL = {},
@article {MR3299950,
    AUTHOR = {Kim, Hye Jung and Nation, James B. and Shepler, Anne V.},
     TITLE = {Group coding with complex isometries},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory},
  FJOURNAL = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
              Transactions on Information Theory},
    VOLUME = {61},
      YEAR = {2015},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {33--50},
      ISSN = {0018-9448},
   MRCLASS = {94B05 (94B60)},
  MRNUMBER = {3299950},
       DOI = {10.1109/TIT.2014.2365020},
       URL = {},
@article {MR3128509,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, K. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {On implicational bases of closure systems with unique critical
   JOURNAL = {Discrete Appl. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Discrete Applied Mathematics. The Journal of Combinatorial
              Algorithms, Informatics and Computational Sciences},
    VOLUME = {162},
      YEAR = {2014},
     PAGES = {51--69},
      ISSN = {0166-218X},
   MRCLASS = {06A15},
  MRNUMBER = {3128509},
MRREVIEWER = {Branimir \v Se\v selja},
       DOI = {10.1016/j.dam.2013.08.033},
       URL = {},
@article {MR3028794,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Lattices of theories in languages without equality},
   JOURNAL = {Notre Dame J. Form. Log.},
  FJOURNAL = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic},
    VOLUME = {54},
      YEAR = {2013},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {167--175},
      ISSN = {0029-4527},
   MRCLASS = {08C15 (03G10 08B15)},
  MRNUMBER = {3028794},
MRREVIEWER = {Jeffrey S. Olson},
       DOI = {10.1215/00294527-1960470},
       URL = {},
@article {MR3027961,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, K. and Nation, J.B. and Rand, R.},
     TITLE = {Ordered direct implicational basis of a finite closure system},
   JOURNAL = {Discrete Appl. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Discrete Applied Mathematics. The Journal of Combinatorial
              Algorithms, Informatics and Computational Sciences},
    VOLUME = {161},
      YEAR = {2013},
    NUMBER = {6},
     PAGES = {707--723},
      ISSN = {0166-218X},
   MRCLASS = {06B05 (06E30)},
  MRNUMBER = {3027961},
MRREVIEWER = {Marcel Wild},
       DOI = {10.1016/j.dam.2012.08.031},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2999372,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, Kira and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Lattices of quasi-equational theories as congruence lattices
              of semilattices with operators, {P}art {II}},
   JOURNAL = {Internat. J. Algebra Comput.},
  FJOURNAL = {International Journal of Algebra and Computation},
    VOLUME = {22},
      YEAR = {2012},
    NUMBER = {7},
     PAGES = {1250066, 19},
      ISSN = {0218-1967},
   MRCLASS = {08C15 (06A12 08A30)},
  MRNUMBER = {2999372},
       DOI = {10.1142/S021819671250066X},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2999371,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, Kira and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Lattices of quasi-equational theories as congruence lattices
              of semilattices with operators, {P}art {I}},
   JOURNAL = {Internat. J. Algebra Comput.},
  FJOURNAL = {International Journal of Algebra and Computation},
    VOLUME = {22},
      YEAR = {2012},
    NUMBER = {7},
     PAGES = {1250065, 27},
      ISSN = {0218-1967},
   MRCLASS = {08C15 (06A12 08A30)},
  MRNUMBER = {2999371},
MRREVIEWER = {Ivan Chajda},
       DOI = {10.1142/S0218196712500658},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2800732,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, James B. and Seffrood, Jiajia Y. G.},
     TITLE = {Dual linear spaces generated by a non-{D}esarguesian
   JOURNAL = {Contrib. Discrete Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Contributions to Discrete Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {6},
      YEAR = {2011},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {98--141},
      ISSN = {1715-0868},
   MRCLASS = {51A35 (51E14)},
  MRNUMBER = {2800732},
MRREVIEWER = {Alina Stancu},
@article {MR2809999,
    AUTHOR = {Peterson, W. Wesley and Nation, J. B. and Fossorier, Marc P.},
     TITLE = {Reflection group codes and their decoding},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory},
  FJOURNAL = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
              Transactions on Information Theory},
    VOLUME = {56},
      YEAR = {2010},
    NUMBER = {12},
     PAGES = {6273--6293},
      ISSN = {0018-9448},
   MRCLASS = {94B35 (20F55)},
  MRNUMBER = {2809999},
MRREVIEWER = {Bernardo Gabriel Rodrigues},
       DOI = {10.1109/TIT.2010.2080571},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2781081,
    AUTHOR = {Gr\"atzer, G. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {A new look at the {J}ordan-{H}\"older theorem for semimodular
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {64},
      YEAR = {2010},
    NUMBER = {3-4},
     PAGES = {309--311},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06C10 (06B05 06B10)},
  MRNUMBER = {2781081},
MRREVIEWER = {Ulrich Faigle},
       DOI = {10.1007/s00012-011-0104-9},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2470584,
    AUTHOR = {Kearnes, Keith A. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Axiomatizable and nonaxiomatizable congruence prevarieties},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {59},
      YEAR = {2008},
    NUMBER = {3-4},
     PAGES = {323--335},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08B05},
  MRNUMBER = {2470584},
MRREVIEWER = {Jarom\'\i r Duda},
       DOI = {10.1007/s00012-008-2068-y},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2400503,
    AUTHOR = {Fossorier, Marc P. C. and Nation, J. B. and Peterson, W.
     TITLE = {A note on the optimality of variant-{I} permutation modulation
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory},
  FJOURNAL = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
              Transactions on Information Theory},
    VOLUME = {53},
      YEAR = {2007},
    NUMBER = {8},
     PAGES = {2878--2879},
      ISSN = {0018-9448},
   MRCLASS = {94B25},
  MRNUMBER = {2400503},
       DOI = {10.1109/TIT.2007.901182},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2280221,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and McNulty, George and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {A modular inherently nonfinitely based lattice},
      NOTE = {Special issue dedicated to Walter Taylor},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {55},
      YEAR = {2006},
    NUMBER = {2-3},
     PAGES = {119--125},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B25 (06B05)},
  MRNUMBER = {2280221},
MRREVIEWER = {Jaroslav Je\v zek},
       DOI = {10.1007/s00012-006-1986-9},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2250107,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, K. and Mar\'oti, M. and McKenzie, R. and Nation, J.
              B. and Zenk, E. R.},
     TITLE = {The {J}\'onsson-{K}iefer property},
   JOURNAL = {Studia Logica},
  FJOURNAL = {Studia Logica. An International Journal for Symbolic Logic},
    VOLUME = {83},
      YEAR = {2006},
    NUMBER = {1-3},
     PAGES = {111--131},
      ISSN = {0039-3215},
   MRCLASS = {06B05},
  MRNUMBER = {2250107},
MRREVIEWER = {Judita Lihov\'a},
       DOI = {10.1007/s11225-006-8300-x},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2148303,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, K. V. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Reflections on lower bounded lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {53},
      YEAR = {2005},
    NUMBER = {2-3},
     PAGES = {307--330},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B20},
  MRNUMBER = {2148303},
MRREVIEWER = {M. E. Adams},
       DOI = {10.1007/s00012-005-1909-1},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2161649,
    AUTHOR = {Adaricheva, K. V. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Largest extension of a finite convex geometry},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {52},
      YEAR = {2004},
    NUMBER = {2-3},
     PAGES = {185--195},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06A15 (06B05)},
  MRNUMBER = {2161649},
MRREVIEWER = {Eric R. Zenk},
       DOI = {10.1007/s00012-004-1844-6},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2128033,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Closure operators and lattice extensions},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order. A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its
    VOLUME = {21},
      YEAR = {2004},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {43--48 (2005)},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06A15 (06B05)},
  MRNUMBER = {2128033},
MRREVIEWER = {Roberto Giacobazzi},
       DOI = {10.1007/s11083-004-5178-y},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2059514,
    AUTHOR = {Fossorier, Marc and Je\v zek, Jaroslav and Nation, J. B. and
              Pogel, Alex},
     TITLE = {Ordinary graphs and subplane partitions},
   JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Discrete Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {282},
      YEAR = {2004},
    NUMBER = {1-3},
     PAGES = {137--148},
      ISSN = {0012-365X},
   MRCLASS = {51E15 (05B05)},
  MRNUMBER = {2059514},
MRREVIEWER = {Dieter Jungnickel},
       DOI = {10.1016/j.disc.2003.09.014},
       URL = {},
@article {MR2064046,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Hyndman, Jennifer and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Whaley's theorem for finite lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order. A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its
    VOLUME = {20},
      YEAR = {2003},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {223--228 (2004)},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06B05},
  MRNUMBER = {2064046},
       DOI = {10.1023/B:ORDE.0000026464.36426.09},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1897025,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and McNulty, George F. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Inherently nonfinitely based lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Ann. Pure Appl. Logic},
  FJOURNAL = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic},
    VOLUME = {115},
      YEAR = {2002},
    NUMBER = {1-3},
     PAGES = {175--193},
      ISSN = {0168-0072},
   MRCLASS = {06B20 (03C05)},
  MRNUMBER = {1897025},
MRREVIEWER = {Manuel Abad},
       DOI = {10.1016/S0168-0072(01)00089-6},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1810550,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Je\v zek, Jaroslav and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Lattices with large minimal extensions},
      NOTE = {Conference on Lattices and Universal Algebra (Szeged, 1998)},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {45},
      YEAR = {2001},
    NUMBER = {2-3},
     PAGES = {221--309},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B05},
  MRNUMBER = {1810550},
MRREVIEWER = {S. Comer},
@article {MR1782319,
    AUTHOR = {Ne\u\i shen, Dzh. B.},
     TITLE = {Unbounded semidistributive lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Log.},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra i Logika. Institut Diskretno\u\i \ Matematiki i
    VOLUME = {39},
      YEAR = {2000},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {87--92, 122},
      ISSN = {0373-9252},
   MRCLASS = {06D05},
  MRNUMBER = {1782319},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02681568},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1642047,
    AUTHOR = {Longstaff, W. E. and Nation, J. B. and Panaia, Oreste},
     TITLE = {Abstract reflexive sublattices and completely distributive
   JOURNAL = {Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.},
  FJOURNAL = {Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society},
    VOLUME = {58},
      YEAR = {1998},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {245--260},
      ISSN = {0004-9727},
   MRCLASS = {06D10 (06B15 47A15 47L35)},
  MRNUMBER = {1642047},
MRREVIEWER = {David R. Pitts},
       DOI = {10.1017/S0004972700032226},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1468951,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B. and Pogel, Alex},
     TITLE = {The lattice of completions of an ordered set},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order. A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its
    VOLUME = {14},
      YEAR = {1997},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {1--7},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06A23 (06A15)},
  MRNUMBER = {1468951},
MRREVIEWER = {Marcel Ern\'e},
       DOI = {10.1023/A:1005805026315},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1456593,
    AUTHOR = {Adams, M. E. and Freese, Ralph and Nation, J. B. and Schmid,
     TITLE = {Maximal sublattices and {F}rattini sublattices of bounded
   JOURNAL = {J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A},
  FJOURNAL = {Australian Mathematical Society. Journal. Series A. Pure
              Mathematics and Statistics},
    VOLUME = {63},
      YEAR = {1997},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {110--127},
      ISSN = {0263-6115},
   MRCLASS = {06B05 (06B20)},
  MRNUMBER = {1456593},
MRREVIEWER = {Jaroslav Je\v zek},
@article {MR1402646,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {A counterexample to the finite height conjecture},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order. A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its
    VOLUME = {13},
      YEAR = {1996},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {1--9},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06B20 (08B15)},
  MRNUMBER = {1402646},
MRREVIEWER = {M. E. Adams},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF00383963},
       URL = {},
@incollection {MR1366865,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Kearnes, Keith and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Congruence lattices of congruence semidistributive algebras},
 BOOKTITLE = {Lattice theory and its applications ({D}armstadt, 1991)},
    SERIES = {Res. Exp. Math.},
    VOLUME = {23},
     PAGES = {63--78},
 PUBLISHER = {Heldermann, Lemgo},
      YEAR = {1995},
   MRCLASS = {08B10 (06B10)},
  MRNUMBER = {1366865},
MRREVIEWER = {Manfred Armbrust},
@article {MR1344952,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Alan {D}ay's doubling construction},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {34},
      YEAR = {1995},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {24--34},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B05 (06B25)},
  MRNUMBER = {1344952},
MRREVIEWER = {Joel Berman},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01200488},
       URL = {},
@book {MR1319815,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Je\v zek, Jaroslav and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Free lattices},
    SERIES = {Mathematical Surveys and Monographs},
    VOLUME = {42},
 PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI},
      YEAR = {1995},
     PAGES = {viii+293},
      ISBN = {0-8218-0389-1},
   MRCLASS = {06B25 (06-02 06-04 06B20 68Q25)},
  MRNUMBER = {1319815},
MRREVIEWER = {T. S. Blyth},
       DOI = {10.1090/surv/042},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1290156,
    AUTHOR = {Davey, B. A. and Nation, J. B. and McKenzie, R. N. and P\'alfry,
              P. P.},
     TITLE = {Braids and their monotone clones},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {32},
      YEAR = {1994},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {153--176},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08A40 (06A06 08B05)},
  MRNUMBER = {1290156},
MRREVIEWER = {Joel Berman},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01191536},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1265354,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {J\'onsson's contributions to lattice theory},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {31},
      YEAR = {1994},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {430--445},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06-02 (01A70 06B05 06B15 06Cxx)},
  MRNUMBER = {1265354},
MRREVIEWER = {G. Georgescu},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01221797},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1265351,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Addendum: ``{C}ongruence normality: the characterization of
              the doubling class of convex sets'' [{A}lgebra {U}niversalis
              {\bf 31} (1994), no.\ 3, 397--406; {MR}1265350 (95a:06007)] by
              {A}. {D}ay},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {31},
      YEAR = {1994},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {407--410},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B05},
  MRNUMBER = {1265351},
MRREVIEWER = {Jaroslav Je\v zek},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01221794},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1250228,
    AUTHOR = {Day, Alan and Herrmann, Christian and J\'onsson, Bjarni and
              Nation, J. B. and Pickering, Doug},
     TITLE = {Small non-{A}rguesian lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {31},
      YEAR = {1994},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {66--94},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06C05},
  MRNUMBER = {1250228},
MRREVIEWER = {George Hutchinson},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01188180},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1259675,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Je\v zek, J. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Term rewrite systems for lattice theory},
   JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Comput.},
  FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
    VOLUME = {16},
      YEAR = {1993},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {279--288},
      ISSN = {0747-7171},
   MRCLASS = {68Q42 (03C05 06-04)},
  MRNUMBER = {1259675},
       DOI = {10.1006/jsco.1993.1046},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1184008,
    AUTHOR = {Day, Alan and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Congruence normal covers of finitely generated lattice
   JOURNAL = {Canad. Math. Bull.},
  FJOURNAL = {Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. Bulletin Canadien de
    VOLUME = {35},
      YEAR = {1992},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {311--320},
      ISSN = {0008-4395},
   MRCLASS = {06B20 (08B15)},
  MRNUMBER = {1184008},
MRREVIEWER = {M. E. Adams},
       DOI = {10.4153/CMB-1992-043-9},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1387900,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {An approach to lattice varieties of finite height},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {27},
      YEAR = {1990},
    NUMBER = {4},
     PAGES = {521--543},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B20},
  MRNUMBER = {1387900},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01188998},
       URL = {},
@incollection {MR1111509,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Ideal and filter constructions in lattice varieties},
 BOOKTITLE = {The {D}ilworth theorems},
    SERIES = {Contemp. Mathematicians},
     PAGES = {451--453},
 PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser Boston, Boston, MA},
      YEAR = {1990},
   MRCLASS = {06B20},
  MRNUMBER = {1111509},
@article {MR1086131,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B. and Schmerl, J. H.},
     TITLE = {The order dimension of relatively free lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order. A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its
    VOLUME = {7},
      YEAR = {1990},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {97--99},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06B25},
  MRNUMBER = {1086131},
MRREVIEWER = {Joel Berman},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF00383177},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1031656,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B. and Pickering, D. and Schmerl, J.},
     TITLE = {Corrigendum: ``{D}imension may exceed width'' [{O}rder {\bf 5}
              (1988), no.\ 1, 21--22; {MR}0953938 (89g:06008)]},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order. A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its
    VOLUME = {6},
      YEAR = {1989},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {203},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06A10},
  MRNUMBER = {1031656},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02034337},
       URL = {},
@article {MR1031653,
    AUTHOR = {Day, Alan and Nation, J. B. and Tschantz, Steve},
     TITLE = {Doubling convex sets in lattices and a generalized
              semidistributivity condition},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order. A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its
    VOLUME = {6},
      YEAR = {1989},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {175--180},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06B20 (08B05)},
  MRNUMBER = {1031653},
MRREVIEWER = {I. Gy. Maurer},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02034334},
       URL = {},
@article {MR973311,
    AUTHOR = {Aglian\`o, P. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Lattices of pseudovarieties},
   JOURNAL = {J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A},
  FJOURNAL = {Australian Mathematical Society. Journal. Series A. Pure
              Mathematics and Statistics},
    VOLUME = {46},
      YEAR = {1989},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {177--183},
      ISSN = {0263-6115},
   MRCLASS = {08C99 (08B15)},
  MRNUMBER = {973311},
MRREVIEWER = {Sheila Oates-Williams},
@article {MR953938,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B. and Pickering, D. and Schmerl, J.},
     TITLE = {Dimension may exceed width},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order},
    VOLUME = {5},
      YEAR = {1988},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {21--22},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06A10},
  MRNUMBER = {953938},
MRREVIEWER = {E. C. Milner},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF00143894},
       URL = {},
@article {MR921533,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, James B. and Pickering, Douglas A.},
     TITLE = {Arguesian lattices whose skeleton is a chain},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {24},
      YEAR = {1987},
    NUMBER = {1-2},
     PAGES = {91--100},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06C05},
  MRNUMBER = {921533},
MRREVIEWER = {Christian Herrmann},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01188386},
       URL = {},
@article {MR911563,
    AUTHOR = {J\'onsson, Bjarni and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Representation of {$2$}-distributive modular lattices of
              finite length},
   JOURNAL = {Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged)},
  FJOURNAL = {Acta Universitatis Szegediensis. Acta Scientiarum
    VOLUME = {51},
      YEAR = {1987},
    NUMBER = {1-2},
     PAGES = {123--128},
      ISSN = {0001-6969},
   MRCLASS = {06C05},
  MRNUMBER = {911563},
MRREVIEWER = {George Hutchinson},
@article {MR896968,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Lattice varieties covering {$V(L_1)$}},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {23},
      YEAR = {1986},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {132--166},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B20},
  MRNUMBER = {896968},
MRREVIEWER = {Ralph Freese},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01237718},
       URL = {},
@article {MR850396,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Nation, J. B. and Je\v zek, J. and Slav\'\i k, V.},
     TITLE = {Singular covers in free lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Order},
  FJOURNAL = {Order},
    VOLUME = {3},
      YEAR = {1986},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {39--46},
      ISSN = {0167-8094},
   MRCLASS = {06B25},
  MRNUMBER = {850396},
MRREVIEWER = {E. T. Schmidt},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF00403408},
       URL = {},
@incollection {MR823017,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Some varieties of semidistributive lattices},
 BOOKTITLE = {Universal algebra and lattice theory ({C}harleston, {S}.{C}.,
    SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Math.},
    VOLUME = {1149},
     PAGES = {198--223},
 PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin},
      YEAR = {1985},
   MRCLASS = {06B20 (08B15)},
  MRNUMBER = {823017},
MRREVIEWER = {Sheila Oates-Williams},
       DOI = {10.1007/BFb0098466},
       URL = {},
@article {MR773044,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Covers in free lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.},
  FJOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
    VOLUME = {288},
      YEAR = {1985},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {1--42},
      ISSN = {0002-9947},
   MRCLASS = {06B25},
  MRNUMBER = {773044},
MRREVIEWER = {Joel Berman},
       DOI = {10.2307/2000423},
       URL = {},
@article {MR745496,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {On partially ordered sets embeddable in a free lattice},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {18},
      YEAR = {1984},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {327--333},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B25 (06A10)},
  MRNUMBER = {745496},
MRREVIEWER = {R. J. Bumcrot},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF01203369},
       URL = {},
@article {MR663955,
    AUTHOR = {Day, Alan and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {A note on finite sublattices of free lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {15},
      YEAR = {1982},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {90--94},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B25},
  MRNUMBER = {663955},
MRREVIEWER = {Brian A. Davey},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02483711},
       URL = {},
@incollection {MR660892,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Bounded finite lattices},
 BOOKTITLE = {Universal algebra ({E}sztergom, 1977)},
    SERIES = {Colloq. Math. Soc. J\'anos Bolyai},
    VOLUME = {29},
     PAGES = {531--533},
 PUBLISHER = {North-Holland, Amsterdam-New York},
      YEAR = {1982},
   MRCLASS = {06B05},
  MRNUMBER = {660892},
@article {MR637041,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Finite sublattices of a free lattice},
   JOURNAL = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.},
  FJOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
    VOLUME = {269},
      YEAR = {1982},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {311--337},
      ISSN = {0002-9947},
   MRCLASS = {06B25 (08B20)},
  MRNUMBER = {637041},
MRREVIEWER = {T. S. Blyth},
       DOI = {10.2307/1998606},
       URL = {},
@article {MR624301,
    AUTHOR = {Gaskill, H. S. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Join-prime elements in semidistributive lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {12},
      YEAR = {1981},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {352--359},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06B15},
  MRNUMBER = {624301},
MRREVIEWER = {T. S. Blyth},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02483895},
       URL = {},
@article {MR542080,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Finitely presented lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.},
  FJOURNAL = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society},
    VOLUME = {77},
      YEAR = {1979},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {174--178},
      ISSN = {0002-9939},
   MRCLASS = {06B25 (03B25 06B05)},
  MRNUMBER = {542080},
MRREVIEWER = {M. E. Adams},
       DOI = {10.2307/2042634},
       URL = {},
@article {MR500031,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Projective lattices},
   JOURNAL = {Pacific J. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Pacific Journal of Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {75},
      YEAR = {1978},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {93--106},
      ISSN = {0030-8730},
   MRCLASS = {06B25},
  MRNUMBER = {500031},
MRREVIEWER = {G. Gr\"atzer},
       URL = {},
@article {MR0472614,
    AUTHOR = {J\'onsson, B. and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {A report on sublattices of a free lattice},
 BOOKTITLE = {Contributions to universal algebra ({C}olloq., {J}\'ozsef
              {A}ttila {U}niv., {S}zeged, 1975)},
     PAGES = {223--257. Colloq. Math. Soc. J\'anos Bolyai, Vol. 17},
 PUBLISHER = {North-Holland, Amsterdam},
      YEAR = {1977},
   MRCLASS = {06A20},
  MRNUMBER = {0472614},
MRREVIEWER = {Ralph Freese},
@article {MR0434906,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {3-3 lattice inclusions imply congruence modularity},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {7},
      YEAR = {1977},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {191--194},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06A30},
  MRNUMBER = {0434906},
MRREVIEWER = {Ann Miller},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02485428},
       URL = {},
@article {MR0398921,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Extending partial lattices within a variety},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {6},
      YEAR = {1976},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {87--90},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {06A20 (08A15)},
  MRNUMBER = {0398921},
MRREVIEWER = {A. A. Iskander},
@article {MR0369219,
    AUTHOR = {Hyman, Joseph and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Automorphisms of {$1$}-unary algebras. {II}},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {4},
      YEAR = {1974},
     PAGES = {127--131},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08A25},
  MRNUMBER = {0369219},
MRREVIEWER = {S. Comer},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02485714},
       URL = {},
@article {MR0360423,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Congruence lattices of relatively free unary algebras},
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {4},
      YEAR = {1974},
     PAGES = {132},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08A25},
  MRNUMBER = {0360423},
MRREVIEWER = {V. Cazanescu},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02485715},
       URL = {},
@article {MR0354501,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Varieties whose congruences satisfy certain lattice
   JOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
  FJOURNAL = {Algebra Universalis},
    VOLUME = {4},
      YEAR = {1974},
     PAGES = {78--88},
      ISSN = {0002-5240},
   MRCLASS = {08A15 (06A35)},
  MRNUMBER = {0354501},
MRREVIEWER = {E. T. Schmidt},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02485709},
       URL = {},
@book {MR2623210,
    AUTHOR = {Nation, James Bryant},
              {SATISFY} {LATTICE} {IDENTITIES}},
      NOTE = {Thesis (Ph.D.)--California Institute of Technology},
 PUBLISHER = {ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI},
      YEAR = {1973},
     PAGES = {63},
   MRCLASS = {Thesis},
  MRNUMBER = {2623210},
       URL =
@article {MR0332590,
    AUTHOR = {Freese, Ralph and Nation, J. B.},
     TITLE = {Congruence lattices of semilattices},
   JOURNAL = {Pacific J. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Pacific Journal of Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {49},
      YEAR = {1973},
     PAGES = {51--58},
      ISSN = {0030-8730},
   MRCLASS = {06A20},
  MRNUMBER = {0332590},
MRREVIEWER = {E. T. Schmidt},
       URL = {},